The Amanco Sewer line has three series, with a complete portfolio to meet all projects. The Normal series is a conduction and storage system for sanitary sewage, rainwater and ventilation. It is used in building sanitary sewage installations, non-pressurized gravity flow and in system ventilation, with peak temperature class CT 45°C. Complies with NBR 5688 – Constructive system for rainwater, sanitary sewage and ventilation – PVC pipes and fittings, type DN – Requirements. Line manufactured in white PVC with stiffness class SN-1500 Pa.

The Reforzada series is also a conduction and storage system for sanitary, storm and vent wastewater. It is used in sewage installations considered terminal, such as down pipes, sub-collectors, dishwasher discharge branches and rainwater collectors in vertical works. It has unpressurized gravity flow and system venting, with peak temperature class CT 75°C.
The Amanco Silentium system is the first PVC solution designed to reduce the problem of noise in hydraulic installations, with a system of proven quality and performance, which allows professionals, installers and builders to meet the desirable noise requirements, adding an indispensable added value: the comfort of silence. 1.2 Mounting length. Both the total length (CT) and the assembly length (CM) of Amanco Pipes comply with the Brazilian standardization.
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Amanco Wavin Brasil product line
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AS+ is the definitive solution for noise reduction as the only premium soundproofing system that achieves -10db (A).
Novafort PVC pipes and Metric Series Sewers feature state-of-the-art technology designed for the handling and discharge of sanitary, storm or combined sewage.
The PVC conduit line meets the highest safety standards and is specifically designed for cable ducting. Thanks to its dielectric rigidity.
Cédula 40 (Cold water)
Amanco Wavin Cédula 40 system was designed specifically for the conduction of cold water under pressure for commercial and industrial use.
Cédula 80 (Cold water)
Schedule 80 pipes and connections are used in water supply systems for human consumption and conduction of industrial fluids.
CPVC Duralón Platinum - CPVC Cédula 80
The system Duralon Platinum of Amanco Wavin is manufactured with CPVC resin (Polyvinyl Chloride).
Amanco Wavin DWV system is manufactured with PVC resin (Polyvinyl Chloride) its application is for dislodging of sanitary, pluvial, and ventilation water.
The AquaCell system stores water in the area where it precipitates to be later absorbed within the structure formed by the AquaCell cells.
PVC Sanitary/HepVO
The Sanitary System of Amanco Wavin is manufactured with the resin of PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride).
Tigris Flex
The Wavin Tigris Flex system is the first flexible pipe for conducting hot and cold drinking water manufactured in Mexico and certified by AENOR in compliance with the ISO 22391 standard.
With the new generation PVC, the PVC-O Biaxial® Amanco Wavin pipes can withstand more pressure and offer a greater hydraulic area.
The CIOD AWWA C900 Hydraulic PVC pipe is used for conveying pressurized water and is manufactured in diameters ranging from 4 to 12 inches, DR25 in class 165 PSI.
Rain Gutters
Rain GuttersThe Rain Gutters from Wavin are primarily designed for collecting rainwater from building roofs. Their special design allows for the conveyance of a greater volume of water.

Cédula 40
El sistema Cédula 40 de Amanco Wavin está diseñado específicamente para la conducción de agua fría a presión en uso comercial e industrial.

Cédula 80
Las tuberías y conexiones Cédula 80 son utilizadas en sistemas de abastecimiento de agua para consumo humano y conducción de fluidos industriales

CPVC Duralón Platinum y CPVC Cédula 80
El sistema Duralón Platinum® de Amanco Wavin está fabricado con resina de CPVC (Policloruro de Vinilo Clorado)

El sistema DWV de Amanco Wavin está fabricado con resina de PVC (Policloruro de Vinilo), su aplicación es en desalojo de agua sanitaria, pluvial y ventilación..

El sistema Sanitario de Amanco Wavin está fabricado con resina de PVC (Policloruro de Vinilo), diseñado para desalojar por gravedad

Con el PVC de nueva generación, las tuberías PVC-O Biaxial® Amanco Wavin, pueden soportar más presión y ofrece mayor área hidráulica.

Tigris Flex
El sistema Wavin Tigris Flex es la primera tubería flexible para conducción de agua potable fría y caliente fabricada en México y certificada por AENOR bajo cumplimiento de la norma ISO 22391.

El sistema AquaCell almacena agua en el área donde se precipita para luego ser absorbida dentro de la estructura formada por las celdas AquaCell

Las tuberías PVC Novafort y Alcantarillado Serie Métrica cuentan con tecnología de alta vanguardia diseñadas para el manejo y desalojo de aguas residuales sanitaria, pluvial o combinado.

La línea conduit de PVC cumple con los más altos estándares de seguridad, están diseñados específicamente para la canalización de cables.

AS+ es la solución definitiva para la reducción del ruido como único sistema insonorizado premium que logra -10db (A).

La tubería PVC Hidráulica CIOD AWWA C900 es empleada para la conducción de agua a presión.

Canales Lluvia
Los Canales Lluvia de Wavin están diseñados principalmente para la captación de agua pluvial proveniente de las cubiertas de construcciones, su diseño especial permite la conducción de un mayor volumen de agua..